I feel like I haven't posted an edit in a while, so... Here ya go! :3

((Yes, it says Crybaby, but the lyrics are actually from Halsey👌✨))

//Go follow my new friendo, @_Cerises !!! He's cool👍


I feel like I haven't posted an edit in a while, so... Here ya go! :3 ((Yes, it says Crybaby, but the lyrics are actually from Halsey👌✨)) //Go follow my new friendo, @_Cerises !!! He's cool👍

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so much love and lust
^accurately describes me
dude. the school yearbook thing is so cringeworthy!! fifth grade self had NO talent! anime skrillex needs improvement...
Hermes too. Hermes is like...my boyfriend.then Hades and Kronos are like my homies
the best part is, nobody knows what he really looks like, so our minds come up with the best appearance possible. 👌🏾
fashion choice the same, shorter because I have a thing for shorter guys, um...for some reason I think of him of western Asian descent.