Collage by sparklingcactus


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hey! what theme would you like to do? i have some ideas but i know you have a pretty straightforward aesthetic so i don’t know if some of them may work for you
no that’s okay what are your suggestions?
i’m sorry lol i thought my collab was with sage- 😂
i’m super scatterbrained atm because i’m so busy i’m really sorry lol
i’ve been thinking of doing some kind of collage about “i fight like a girl? yeah thanks it’s true” with pictures of really brave fictional women (like in star wars, marvel, anything etc) and another one with the same quote except with real women
like for example abby johnson
but i do just about any aesthetic :)
umm that’s sounds like a great idea but I don’t think it will really match my aesthetic lol
but that’s okay and you know what I was thinking to do something like this I’ll remix it rn
ooo i like that idea
but i honestly don’t know much at all about ariana grande lol so who were you thinking we could do?
it doesn’t have to be abt Ariana I was just giving an example of the layout
let’s Olivia Rodrigo
let’s do *
sure! that works
do u want to do the bg or the text?
I fine with either, what are you more comfortable with?
text probably if that’s okay. are we doing one of her songs?
sure you can pick sheikh song and what lyrics I’ll remix the bg as soon as am done
any not sheikh lol
okay! im thinking jealousy jealousy?
also i’m sorry but i’m not gonna be very active! but i will try my best!
yeah sounds great!
and that’s totally fine just try to get as soon as u can bc other ppl are waiting for collabs too no pressure though!❤️
hey how’s the bg going?