I made a thing
Tag yourself I’m Burnout or Weird Uncle


πŸ‘πŸ«πŸ‘ I made a thing Tag yourself I’m Burnout or Weird Uncle

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why do I relate to all of these
mostly burnout tho πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I’m mostly burnout, fandom, and weird uncle with a bit of everything else
idk you should choose for me jordanπŸ˜‚
probably a mixture of fUnkY bOi and burnout
a weird mix of weird uncle, burnout, fandom, & funky boi πŸ˜‚
I’m a mix of all
idk where I fit in πŸ˜‚
I’m a mix of SMoL and Burnout lol
im a mix of SMoL and arteest :)
this has to be one of the most accurate things i’ve ever seen Γ΄mfg
i’m probably a mix between burnout and fandom (give or take a few things lol)
i’m a mix of weird uncle and burnoutπŸ˜‚
When you said how many fandoms Fandom was in... I FELT THAT SO FREAKING HARD YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW