Scores are down below for round two and _candies_,The_Hogwarts_Games,LyddieBug,ShieldAgent,and Smiles1090 didn't enter. The first two people out of that list to comment ❣ get to be back in. Second My_TV_Screen and accio_firebolt did not get to do their ch


Scores are down below for round two and _candies_,The_Hogwarts_Games,LyddieBug,ShieldAgent,and Smiles1090 didn't enter. The first two people out of that list to comment ❣ get to be back in. Second My_TV_Screen and accio_firebolt did not get to do their ch

20 3
So I'm still in?
I can't find that emoji!!! I say that every time because I can never seem to find them and ahh!!! I'm so bad at finding emojis😞
I don't think I have that one😬what section is it in?
❣I found it!
I also didn't find this emoji ❤
Well I commented, am I in the games again?
when is the next round?