Woo da bwest gwirlfwend evah!!


Woo da bwest gwirlfwend evah!!

7 0
*twisses woo* way
*fwench twisses woo*
Gwood *dwoes it again*
*dwoes it harder* woo swexy
woo welcome bwabes
mesh wove woo mwore! Two da mwoon and bwack
mesh wove woo two da moon and bwack infwinity twines!!
wep! *giggles*
nwo woo dwa bwestest!
nwo woo
woo bwabes
mo woo bwabes!
woo ish da bwest
way *claps*
what dwid hwe dwo!?
*gwasps* thwats nwot nwice of him
mesh will TWELL hwim two stwop
mesh dwid it
woo welcome
*giggles* mesh bwocked hwim two
weah hwes mwean
(I'll be back in a few hours) awe woo Otay?
(I'm back sorry I feel asleep after my chores) Gwood *hwugs woo*
*smwiles* why dwid hwe sway dose thwinks
*kwisses bwack*
*hwugs woo*