Tom: anyone wanna rp I am very bored


Tom: anyone wanna rp I am very bored

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hey Tom...
I have a question
You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to
what do ya need I can help?
tom: what's wrong sorry I was bleeding
tom: tell me
where is Matt?
it was my ex he was being a jerk
tom: tell him I said to stop being a rude@$$
he stopped already
tell matt I give up I will try to talk tomorrow but I don’t know if my sisters will want me too... also please tell him I love him and if you could I really wanted to talk to him
tom: ok
tom: yeah?
*walks into the room while looking at a paper siping her latte*
tom: hey
*looks surprised to see Tom* oh hey.
me/Edd: hey tom where is my pills have you seen them