Collage by ryanthegay


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Wake up to something nice! I just wanted to tell you, that I LOVE your page. it is so inspirational, because you can express who you are, with this page. The name gives it all. Youtube_Fanboy. I just love it. Usually, when I ask people, hey, if I told you that people like to, fan___ they would usually say, "Fangirl" nope! you can express who you are on this app, and it's amazing. I bet in real life we would get along. Sone of my favorite Youtubers are LDshadowlady, LeafyIsHere, DanandPhil.. and so much more. I hope that if hate ever comes your way, that you can easily pass through it, knowing that you are a VERY talented person. I love everything that you do. So don't stop! Remember if anything happens a, just ask me, and I'll help you get through it. Continue what amazing things you do, and just keep being amazing. never let go of that talent. goodnight!
I'll stay