Haha you should be like 13 to watch these... Anyways enjoy the ride! 😁


Haha you should be like 13 to watch these... Anyways enjoy the ride! 😁

62 0
Oh gawd that's terrible... Dan is such a gay lord
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he's so perfect
yeah really!
Really 😁
-Is 12- *Walks out of room*
πŸ˜‚ just barely a few months over 13
-Is almost 16- *vigorously cha cha's into room* someone say Phan¿😏
*shows ten-year-old sister the videos* *covers screen the entire time*
I cringed sooo hard when I clicked onto Dan's channel, just every single time, can I just say, when Dan's channel trailer just comes out and he's like s** , and my mom is just like um, exactly what are you watching ?