Because I never have anything Pokemon related to post anymore


Because I never have anything Pokemon related to post anymore

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I remember when I tried to keep my account balanced… I gave up and started posting anything I wanted to 👍🏻
yeah, but not posting Pokemon kinda names my name and mascot look like a lie
besides, all I post is that “sorry excuse for a fandom"
yeah, I understand that. but now I just let my mind go on my posts.
>:3 still not sorry
just so you know, I don't think TD is a "sorry excuse for a fandom"
well I think it is, and I'm not sorry >:3
oh haha, you think you're so funny, you think you're so clever -_-
I'm just bein' honest :3
i know that if I was to say the same to you you wouldn't take it as lightly
but I wouldn't. I'd just know that you're being a stuck up bįtch again
oh, you mean like what you're doing now! Tell me more, you're not in anyway being a hypocrite
I'm doing this just for fun ^_^ you're only fighting back because you're being butthurt
well, have fun being Jackie-less
sounds fun ^_^
Ciao Tia
How about Haunter?
Oh... am I interrupting something? ok😑