To all of my followers.


To all of my followers.

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they are AMAZING and like what real people post and I enjoy talking to you all the time
awwww thanks ;)
I mean :)
ur welcome it’s true
we will be able to dance better than Yuri or Viktor
yes we will
what is ur favorite Dan and Phil video this year(only vids made this year)
the new one or the literal embodiment of rage.
the new one for me I love it
I can't see it it says pending review?
well it’s me it’s my real body obviously all my pending reviews are always me
can I see it now
wow I’m that ugly pic collage
why does pc think I’m ugly
I want to seee ittttt
okay pc what is inappropriate about being potbellied
what about now
so yeah like I said
so when I’m on my overnight school trip I have to go swimming and I wear board shorts and a T-shirt (obvious reasons)and a lot of people were asking me why won’t I be bringing a bikini or swimsuit like all the other biologically female
so is it weird that well I’m .......trans
ummmm sorry if this is a wired question but when you do come out will you get.....well surgery or anything
sorry if that's sensitive
I hope for top surgery don’t care about bottom surgery tho
and I want to go on hormone blockers
and then I’m not sure about Testosterone im not sure yet
oh ok. I don't really know a lot about ya know trans things
and it’s okay it’s not like ur some stranger who finds out I’m trans and on the street starts to ask questions
It’s fine
it’s fine
And btw hormone blockers stop puberty and development till I’m like older and can choose to go on testosterone or not
my color too
hey. have you had ur first kiss?
I’m to unlovable or people think I’m the weirdo either way
it’s like I’ll probably be 100 and dead before my first kiss
need to go to bed but can we talk tomorrow
yeah of course night❤️
u on
hello u on or asleep and I’m super annoying
I'm on just looking at IT
it won't let me say watching
omg it doesn’t let wätching
nope but IT is funny as füčk