& now im thinking about how life would be ..


& now im thinking about how life would be ..

4 0
hi baby
I miss you
hi babyyy
hi luv, how are you?
I’m good baby
yes please
sure I’ll be over in a min
*gets my shoes on*
*grabs the presents*
*goes out to my car and puts the gifts in*
*gets in the car and drives to your place*
*after a while I pull up to your house*
*gets out of the car and grabs the presents*
*walks to the door and knocks*
hi love *steps in with the gifts*
actually it was that bad but it’s snowing
me too baby. where’s the kids?
*follows you*
*smiles* hi babies
*smiles* do you guys want to open your presents?
*smiles and hands them they’re presents and hands you yours*
primaa I needa tell u summm.. get on asappp
check the remix u made me twin
bet dat up
okay *smiles and watches the kids*
do you need help lia?
*smiles and bends down to help her unwrap her present*
look I can see you toy peaking out *smiles and unwraps it*
okay baby there it is
*smiles and opens my present*
*finishes opening my present*
*smiles and looks up at you*
*looks up at you and smiles* thank yiu
*smiles and gets up*
I’m not sure, is there anything you’d like to do?
oh okay thanks ! - brooklyn
I commented on here- Asher
I said I’m not sure on what to do when you asked me what I wanna do
we can baby
*smiles and follows you*
*smiles and lays beside you*
*closes my eyes*
*falls asleep*