This was one of the things that kept me up at night. Please read it, it really changes your perspective on things,


This was one of the things that kept me up at night. Please read it, it really changes your perspective on things,

155 1
this is beautiful. it instantly changed my perspective
You know what? You're the most thoughtful and caring person ever. Posting this made it even more obvious. You always want what's best for people, and I thank you so much.
you're very welcome, bean πŸ˜‡πŸ’•
I love this. Thank you so much for posting this, and just existing in general.
*IS (grammar teacher gonna kill me)
I was too lazy to read it…
wow that is amazing!!
I can'
I just can't
I dunno what to say
So inspirational
too lazy to read I stopped in the middle lol. I will read it later
You are just so amazing I can't even tell you love