We do not speak of maid Schlatt.


We do not speak of maid Schlatt.

13 0
they’re obviously playing gold fish🙄🙌
your account is such a vibeee honestly ✨
maid schlatt maid schlatt maid schlatt-
re//: mmM me guSTA- yEA I have so many headcanons and theories, I have a whole folder saved with theories I like to think are true for each of the characters :’’)
re//: I never used to use folders but as the number of files began to grow I has to start using them. I have a load now but honestly it took me like forever to sort and order them lol. I’m still doing it to this day, finding the odd file in the wrong place qwq
re//: ah I would do that but it’s kinda annoying because when I edit a file, it updates the date. so like if edited five things today those five files would say they were from today. plus I wouldn’t be able to remember all of my files and their dates, I have 162 files on my iPad so my brain would explode if I tried to remember them all lmaö
garlic bread rly is hecking delicious
idk what some of this stuff means bc I’m a loser who lives under a rock but BOY do I love the mc skin