gillyweed is typing...

So people usually associate February with the colour red because of Valentine's... but in my head February is yellow. Preferably pale but I thought this pic was suitable because jumpers+coldness make sense💁🏼✨


gillyweed is typing... So people usually associate February with the colour red because of Valentine's... but in my head February is yellow. Preferably pale but I thought this pic was suitable because jumpers+coldness make sense💁🏼✨

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It's 23:24 where I live, so I'm nearly there. But you'll have to accept this February post because I really want to sleep and I wont have time to post it in the morning because stupid me still hasn't done my English homework which is due first lesson tomorrow... so I'm gonna have to do it before school👏🏻😑
LOL 😂😊 good night ... sweet dreams
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY STYLES! 😂🙌🏻 I feel you on the homework thing. 🙈❤
that's okay, thanks though! :) Also, cool February divider!
thanks!! your collages are gorgeous❣️
it was one of the most amazing things i've ever been a part of tbh
I love your edits! they're so good 🙈