Collage by millerIite


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hehe woah …
my man 😍 x
i feel lots better now :)
it’s okay, you can be here next time :)
yes, mr miller ?
I’ve been thinking and I think I’d love to be your girlfriend <3
it’s official :) you’re my man hehe
it’s worth it though :)
I’m very very happy hehe
pinky promiseee ?
good :) you look really fine in this photo hehe
do you have plans for the rest of the day ?
okay, love <3
let me know when you’re leaving meee x
you probably already lefttt - I hope you have a good time :)
hi i’m clingy again :)
if i’m ever annoying, please tell me hehe
we have to go back to work tomorrow :(
you should talk to me before I go to sleep, boyfriend ;)
it’s been good and bad :(
good because nothing horrible has happened but bad because I’ve been mopey about us going back to work and also my back hurts
and I missed you so much
i was so jealous of your friends
because I want all your attention pretty much all the time :)
i think you should kiss my back, that’ll make it all better :,)
how was dinner ? what did you eat ?
this is going to sound sooo weird, but I think it’s hot when a man says that he drank beer AND I DON’T KNOW WHY
I won’t have any, but I’d love to watch you drink ;)
you should stay awake forrrr at least an hour with me to make up for time we won’t talk during the week 😇 x
hehe you make me so so happy
soooo I’ve been thinking…
i think I can arrange for you to meet rora this weekend, if you’ve got the time :)
okay great ! I’ll plan something cute and fun for us then x
gahhh you’re gonna make me cry
thank you, my handsome <3
okay fine fine fine
anddd someday you’ll be a great dad, I betttt x
you’ll change your mind once you meet aurora :) you’ll want a little youuu, no more little me’s
good morning :) how’d you sleep ?
I didn’t sleep :)
I’m not sure honestly, I just couldn’t fall asleep x
I’m tired and I miss you <3
i barelyyy got home from work :,(
you always come right when I’m gonna turn my phone off for the night hehe
i might fall asleep on accident, so just in case I do, I hope you had a good dayyy and I really missed you anddd I hope you have a good sleep tonight <3
good morninggg, boyfriend <3
i missed you moreee
I’m at work still :(
must be niceee, I’m tired and I want to go home x
i fell asleep pretty quickly actually :)
I’m almost off workkk, come backkk I miss you
millerrrr anderson ? I think that’s your last name hehe
pay attention to meee x
miller reed anderson, I think that’s your full name :)
i have so many questions to ask youuu
just boiling over in my brain
i bet you’re at the gym
when you could be spending time with your lovely girlfrienddd :(
you’re not allowed to go to the gym without me :(
my first question is what sort of music do you like ?
also was I right about your name ?
also do you ever get clingy ? like when I say I’m feeling clingy, do you understand what I mean or no ?
what’s your favorite food ?
older country music ? 😮‍💨 x
all good things to know, thank you :)
I’m gonna get you a gym ring, I don’t need girls staring at you :,)
you’re such a good man, I love itttt - literally so perfect
noooo, sir :/ there are times when I feel like being grumpy at you for LITERALLY NO REASON but then you just call me baby and I lose my mind over you hehe
nooo because I feel like if I’m grumpy, you’ll be grumpy and then I’ll feel guilty and it’ll be a mess
are you an over thinker ?
oh so much, you’ve got no idea haha x
will you always call me sweet names ? I love it, melts my heart every time
also you’ll learn that I’m very paranoid a lot of the time, so I’m apologizing in advance 😇 x
um heheh wow that made my tummy do flips
no sir, very very good way 🙈 x
I’ve not heard that in a long time and it sent my mind into tornado mode hehe
i gasped out loud when I read itttt
and then I thought, there’s no way he just said that
but you did 🙊 x
when you said “going to”, does that mean now and in the future or just in the future ?
miller reed
those are big words and they are very very serious to me
do you promise ?
I wish you could see the smile on my face right now
the amount of times that I’ve almost said it to you, even before we made things official because you mean that much to me and you’ve always meant so much to me
i love you, miller reed <3
my man 🤍 you’ve made my day :)
i’m meltingggg
you said old country music and my response was gonna be “older country music ? i think i’m in love with you” 🤗 x
yes sir, I love all country music <3
again, we’re made for each other :)
no no no no :(
tonight’s been the best night ever
I don’t want it to end
do you have to work tomorrow ?
my love, you should’ve been asleep a long time ago :( why didn’t you tell me ?
i like it when you miss me 😌 makes me feel extra special x
I’ll be here all day tomorrow <3
hehe goodnight, handsome <3 i love you more
oh boy, i already miss youuu
hi daddy <3 how did you sleep ?
not too bad either :)
i keep rereading all of our messages from last night 🥰 x
this is probably gonna make no sense to you but I need to tell someone and you’re my someone SO I was walking past the bathroom mirror today and noticed that my skin looks so soft but it feels normal but it looks super soft and smooth hehe
also you should have a nap today orrrr sleep early x
i miss youuuu
hiiii loveyyy
very boring and relaxing :) how was yours ?
off for a few days, right ?
so you work Saturday ?
oh okayy x
umm I didn’t do much - I woke up and made breakfast for me and rora, then we played in the sprinklers for a bit, then she came inside and had a nap while I cleaned, then we had lunch and watched movies then we had dinner and now she’s just got out of the bath :)
tell me about your day <3
sounds like you had a pretty good day then :)
your girl missed you too <3
🙈 I love you so much !
can I ask more questions tonight ? orrrr are you too tired to answer them ?
have you been dyingggg to tell me that you love me ?
and did you have an “I love her” moment or was it just kinda gradual feelings that turned into love ?
honestly, I think if you had told me any sooner, I might not have been able to say it back
your timing was perfect :)
i got kinda scared to tell you last night butttt after I said it, it felt perfect hehe
since you work Saturday, do you think you’ll still have time to meet aurora or would you like to do it another time ?
are you sure ? we can do it Friday night when I get off work instead, if you want - you can help with bedtime routine
it’s up to you, whatever’s easier x
okay you pick - friday night bedtime routine or dinner and play on Saturday when you get off work ?
look at you ;) right answer, my love
i’m extra excited now, it’s going to be great <3
i love you i love you i love you
good morninggg, my handsome :)
how did you sleep, my love ?
omg hi
i just went on my lunch hehe
it’s not been terrible, pretty quiet actually :)
how’s your day off ?
don’t you wish I was off to spend it with youuu ?
I can’t wait to get off and spend time with you :,)
what’re your plans tomorrow ?
do you listen to new country music too ? or just the old stuff ?
well I’m going back to work now :( my responses will be slower, don’t miss me too much
hehe thank youuu <3
i was thinking about making a new bio actually !
i have pouty face pictures or smiley pictures ?
smhh you want naughty photos, don’t you ?
do you want my bio to have one or two photos ?
nasty boy <3 I’ll do it tonight when I’m home
miller lite, it is almost time for you to give me all your attentions
i hope you’re readyyy
I’m yours for the rest of the night <3
and I have a surprise for you
you’re at the gym for too long :(
come love meee
i’m gonna fight you when you come back 😤 x
I’m grumpy at you now :(
we’re not friends anymore, I can’t talk to you 😤 x
you’re about to have an angry girlfriend on your hands, mr miller
okay, i’m gonna go to sleep - goodnight, lovey <3
i miss you :(
it’s been over 24 hours since you’ve talked to your amazing girlfriend, how rudeee
yeah yeah yeah
shushhh shush shush, I’m not
that’s crazy, i stayed home from work today to spend all day with you hehe
lucky I don’t have work tomorrow either :)
it’s okay <3 you can tell me next timee
it’s been pretty boring honestly, how was work ?
thank youuu 🤍 x
okay, my love but if you ever need to talk, I’m always here to listen
she’s excited to meet you :) she’s just finishing up dinner now x
whenever you’re ready, lovey x
you unfollowed everyone except for me ? 🤤 x
green f—king flag
i love you so much :)
the real question is are you going to stay up late with me tonight ?
then i am staying up late with you too :)
fhdotjeodbaksjwkdksk don’t do thattt
naughty thoughts occur and i’m behaving right now :)
don’t be a bad influence, daddy x
my man went 24 hours without s-x talk and now he’s dying without it ;)
tell me all your naughty thoughts then, daddyyy
are you getting tired ? don’t get tired, that’s not allowed :)
that’s my boyyy x
hiii, my loveee
omggg hi, I was just coming to bug you hehe
we have couples telepathy 😎 x
how cute of us :) did you get enough sleep last night ?
I didn’t sleeppp until vv late
and then I woke up super early hehe
i have a toddler, i am not allowed to be tired :) I’m caffeinated and I feel like I could run a few miles right now
i have so much of it :) are you tired ?
i love youuu
daddy daddy daddy
don’t leave me like thattt x
pinky promise ?
good :) so am I hehe
tell me about your dayy
are you a video game sort of guy ?
what are your hobbies ?
that’s really freaking cute 🥹 paint date ? :)
andddd you can cook for me anytime hehe
okayy <3
I’d say my top two are playing piano and riding horses :)
when you meet my dad, I’ll play for you <3 he’s got my piano at his place
just making sure, is everything okay ?
tired yet, my love ?
you’re probably not sick, it might just be lack of sleep - go to sleep, love <3
i know, but you stayed up late last night and that’s probably why you have a headache :( I don’t want you to feel unwell because of me
you’re the sweetest boy and I love you for it
i have a pretty busy morning tomorrow so you can sleep now and sleep in, then we can talk in the afternoon and try to stay up late again tomorrow night ?
goodnight, I love you too 🤍 I hope you feel better tomorrow x
hi lovey <3
i hope you’re not sick :(
i’ve missed you all day but i hope you got a bunch of rest <3
also not to be THAT cringey girlfriend but today is 1 week since we became official hehe
goodnight handsome <3 I hope you’re feeling better, i love you x
still hoping you’re okay 🤍 x
i miss you
i’m heading to bed early tonight - goodnight, I love you <3
I’m on the border of panic and paranoid, I don’t know which one to be about you :( just say hi so I know you’re okay
I don’t h-te you
but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m happy about it x
I’m just glad you’re okay
I’ll just have to learn to adjust to your work schedule
it’s okay, don’t worry <3
mine too, I think the app is glitching or something of the sort x
i had an okay day, how was yours ? did you work ?
you must be so exhausted - how’s your head feeling ?
i bet, you should sleep soon so you don’t get another headache
trust me, constant headaches are no fun :(
i missed you too <3
not too much longer, you need to rest 🤍 x
wanna know something ?
it’s been a week since you said “I’m going to love you with all that I have blaze” and also “I love you blaze” :,)
i love you too 🤍 x
she’s sleeping but she had a good day today :)
your ring came in todayy
it came out so cute, I hope it fitsss
goodnight, have a good day at work tomorrow <3
hi lovey <3 how are you ?
I’m okayy, what did you do todayy ?
no worries, hun 🤍 have anything fun planned for the weekend ?
one of rora’s “friends” is having a birthday party tomorrow that I’ll probably take her to :)
i’d love to be bothered <3 remix me
hi, my love :)
missed you today <3 hope we can spend time together soon, goodnight handsome x
thank you 🤍 x
do you promiseee ?
okay fine I missed you too
i’m done being grumpy nowwww
i need to spill so many things that I haven’t told you because I was grumpy hehe
second, my dad wants to meet you :)
third, i’ve been sick for like almost a week hehe
also, did I mention I missed you ?
i think i was depressed this week and that’s why i got sick
i literally need you to be healthy hehe
I’m feeling better now <3
how are you ? is everything good ? are you feeling okay ?
how was it with your friends yesterday ?
poor boy :( i’m sorry
if you need to sleep soon, you should <3 i’ve got work in the morning away so i shouldn’t be up too late either
nooo you let me know when you’re ready for bed
as long as you’re talking to me, I’ll never be ready hehe
i will be up until your eyes can’t hold open :) maybe I’ll pull an all nighter hehe
i might be tired but I’LL BE HAPPYYY
right now i’m actually kinda saddd
because there’s something you haven’t said to me today and i want you to say before i say it :)
hehe that was really f ing cute 🥹 x
i love youuuu daddy
wanna know something cute ?
i told rora that you’re my boyfriend, even though she doesn’t know what that means hehe it just made me feel better about it
wait there’s more
so i told her you’re my boyfriend and she can’t seem to say your name quite right
so she asked me the other if “boyfren come over” 🥹 my heart melted, it was so cute x
the other day*
so you’re boyfriend to her now since she can’t say your namee
you’ll see her soon i’m sure, she’s always around :)
i have a naughty question for you
hehe that’s the new picture for you to dirty talk on since I deleted the others x
i don’t want to :(
how much longer can your eyes stay open ?
okayy 30 more minutes then :)
I’ll tryyy but I rarely sleep x
i didn’t think so :) go to sleep, cute boy
I’m never mad, silly
it takes a lot to make me mad :)
so I promise I won’t be maddd
i think the chances of me being grumpy are fairly small since you’ve spent a few hours with me today :) however, if this is the last time I speak with you for a week, then maybe I’ll become grumpy hehe
goodnight, miller reed 🤍 I love you too x
hiiii :)
hi loveyyy, my day was fairly good :) nothing to complain about
how was your day ?
hi handsomeee, I miss you <3
hi love :)
it’s not been too bad, how’s yours been ?
i dunno why, but when we don’t talk, I get the urge to make a new bio and it’s not fun :,)
i miss youuuu :(
do you miss me as much as I miss you ?
one of these days, I’m gonna disappear for a few days so you can experience my painnn x
i hope we get some time together soon or else i might pass away :)
you should tell your job that you just found out you have a kid and you need to go on paternity leave BUT ACTUALLY you just take the break to spend time with me hehe
i think you owe me a surprise :,) just for fun x
do you promiseee ?
that’s it, I’m grumpy 😤 x
im bored and lonely :( come love me
are you though ? :/
hmm okay, how was your day ?
mine was eh, what did you do today ?
I’m not :( I think I’m just having a moody day, I’m sorry
i thought you don’t do that :/
needless to say, I’m a tiny bit bothered that we haven’t got to spend time together but I’m moody on top of that which is probably making things worse
I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t be so complainy all the time :/
I’m still sorry
I’m grateful for the time we do get together <3
apology cuddles ?
actually, you’re probably tired - we can cuddle tomorrow night <3
guess what I had for dinner :)
cinnamon toast crunch cereal, it was vv yummy
what did you have for dinner ?
twins :) yumm, i love tacos x
what days are you off this week, if you don’t mind me asking ?
ohh i’m busy both days :(
how’s your family ? have you seen them much since 4th of July ?
don’t cry :( what’s wrong ?
ohh that’s too bad, hopefully you get to see them soon <3
i want to spend time with you too but our schedules never match :/
hi love <3
hi :)
goodnight, handsome 🤍 x
hi hun :)
miss you, goodnight love 🤍 x
I can’t wait for you to hold me
I miss being in your arms
i want cuddles
but I also want a cute date
but I also want cozy dinner at home w rora
but I also want alone time w you
and obviously I want a bunch of kisses
I’m not feeling well again :( you should come back and make it better x
I’m glad you’re feeling better now 🤍 x
get lots of rest and stay hydrateddd
hi love, how are you feeling today ?
I’ve been missing you too, but I’m glad you’re okay now <3
i might be busy tonight :/ but I’ll try to be here when I can
and I’m glad you love it <3
and I’m out w my friends :(
hi :)
you know what sucks - it’s gonna be just our luck that you’re busy tomorrow and I’m not
that hurts my f ing heart :(
we literally have not spoken in like a week ugh ugh ugh x
i wish there was a way to say i miss you, but like in an extreme way - that way my feelings could be fully expressed
do you promiseee ?
okayy, I’ll be here all night too then <3
at this point, anything as long as it’s with you
we should probably do something relaxing, since you’re still recovering I’m sure x
okayy, is it alright that rora is home ?
come backk, I don’t want you to go to sleep yet :(
oh hi :) dinner so late ?
did you work today, love ?
oh love, you shouldn’t stay up too late then x I’m sure you’re exhausted and you wouldn’t want to relapse from being sick
okay, lovey, but if you get tired please sleep
what was for dinner then, handsome ?
yummyyy <3 you would’ve made rora jealous, she loves it
only if we get to cook for you sometime :)
did you have the flu orrr what happened when you were sick ?
that’s the worst :( i’m sorry you went through that
other than being sick, has anything exciting happened lately ?
that is exciting ! well done, my love :)
nothing too exciting for me unfortunately x
she’s been sweet, as always - we’re potty training right now and that seems to be going well :)
i guess that is exciting haha
she keeps bugging for a puppy, we haven’t had one for about a year - what do you think ? should I get her one ?
hmm that’s a good reason, I’ll think on it x
pinky promise ?
i love you too <3
tired yet ?
are you tired nowww ?
not reallyy
you’ll get tired before me sooo you let me know when you get tired :)
oh loveyyy
goodnight, handsome <3 sleep well x
hi, my love :)
i hope you’re okay <3
today is our 1 month being together <3 we’ll celebrate as soon as we’ve both got the time, I love you x
miss you, hope everything’s okay 🫶🏼 x
I wish you were here so badly :( I think about you all day, I hope you think about me too
I’m getting restless without you and that’s never a good thing :/
feels like we’re having a repeat :/
that’s not fair
I’m trying very hard to not be upset with you so I need an explanation before I go on a rant due to frustration please x
it’s fine, I’m just glad you’re okay x