Collage by teens332112


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I thought you would be on😭😭😭
hey. ya I'm on. lol. it Otay. sorry just clearing stuff up wit some of my friends
okay. hru
good. how bout yourself
good. what'd you do today
I'm sorry I just had something really bad happen. it's personal
what happened?
I went to school and watched tv
what's wrong
it's a long story. I can't tell u.
it's just. it's my best friends personal business and I don't want it getting around.
okay. whatever makes you happy.....
I'm sorry. ok. fine. wanna know. I don't wanna hurt ur feelings.
no. it's fine. go be with them. I'll be fine.
my best friends mom got raped. his own dad raped his mom
I'm sorry. I didn't want u mad at me
I wouldn't have gotten mad I just really like you
thank you. I'm really sorry about that
about what
do you like me or are you just playing me
no. I'm not playing you. you are very gorgeous. and u seem really sweet.
I'm leaving pc
ok. here let's get to know each other
why no one cares
about me
what. why? wait!
I never said that. it's just. I wanna get to know you
please don't go. I'm sorry for not answering back super quick
I never said you did it's just I've been crying a lot lately and now I'm just ready for it to be over
it's not that Carlos
bye carlos❤️
can u text me
I will give u my number
no. bye Carlos
I care
believe me. life sucks. I know. I just wanna help. please
I know I'm just.....done
don't go. please. come on.
will you text me? like not on here but. actual text
it's easier communication
tomorrow when I wake up.
I might
ok. promise? when will u wake up?
I might text you and around 8:10
I'm here
yes ma'am?
no ma'am it's just me
I fr do love you
ok 😁 I'm sorry. What would you like to talk about Holland
I love you too.
idc what do you want to talk about
so. can I ask what it is that you love about me?
everything. what do you love about me
well. You are sweet, you like me, I feel like I understand you, is love to get to know you more, ur pretty. and much more!
awww thanks
you are very welcome😁. so... um. do you watch orange is the new black
ok. um. well. what's the last show you watched on Netflix
one tree hill
oooh. I never really got to see it. i have heard it's an awesome show!!
yea. Nathan Scott is my future husband
oooh. is that the actor or character😏
oooh. I'm gonna look him up real quick
or someone else could be my future husband😏
he's a hottie. I'm not gay but if I were, well, I'd race ya to him😉
I could be. you never know
your so sweet
so. I don't know about you but I love dancing. I can't dance but I love to watch amazing dancers
thank you
I can't dance good but I love to sing
I try my best to be sweet. sometimes ig I'm not but i try😊
well. I can't dance or sing. but my federal job is to be a voice actor/comedian
um but when u get a chance. there is this guy. his name is 'fik shun' he is hella cute and my favorite dancer
omg are you gay or something
I meant dream job. wherever federal came from idk. lol
no im not gay. lol
I'm straighter than the pole my mom danced on lol
anyway. no I act and say gay things becuz people think it's funny. I don't make fun of gays but I like to joke with people about my sexuality
-kisses you-
I wish we were dating
well. I don't know if we will ever hang out bc I don't know how close or far u are to me. but we can if you want
idk I mean we can't actually meet but we could date on here
ok. that works for me. I'm not on all the time but when I can get on then I will send some messages ur way.
oh um. do u have a Samsung or an iPhone
okay. I'm only on at night
ok. that works
sweet!!! me too. we could FaceTime?
if u want
my ft doesn't work
then we could talk more and it would kinda be like meeting up
oh. ok😔
but it doesn'twork
lol. I sent that one message before I saw yours. LHH
it ok
in 30 min I gtg
ok. but until then...😊 we can talk right?
if you want
I would like to. a lot😁
actually 15 min then I gtg
so. I'm watching saving private Ryan on Netflix
yup. it's one of my favs
have you been to the movies lately
my fav movie is "everyone falls in love" it's an old movie. they don't even sell it anymore
no the last time I went was with my ex. have you
hmm. I love old movies. I like anything that interests me TBH.
anyway yes I have. I went and saw the new bad Santa movie twice lol. it's so funny
lol. so I need to confess something
what kinda music do u listen to?
ok go ahead
hip hop/rap
nice. so what u wanna confess
that I love
well. I love too. may I ask exactly what you mean by "you love".
oh food. well there isn't anything wrong with food
I love food
heck I love food. I eat all the time
hey I gtg
ok. good night. talk to you tomorrow❤️❤️
actually 10 more min
I'm so sorry. I apologize. I didn't receive notifications
I just had a feeling I should check this post
want an extra 10 minutes?❤️
I only receive notifications when people post on my pages😅❤️
good night holland. I will talk to you tomorrow night. I hope I get to
hey. can we text?
hey holland, I will be up for a little while so if u wanna talk in a bit here's my num. 6367256827
hey. u on?
yea. def
so. what ya been up to? it's been a bit lol
lol playing vb
oh. lol. just sittin in my bed talkin to u.
so. do u play on a team?
how long you been playing. like in ur lifetime
take ur time. I'm gonna go shower real quick I will be back in a bit
I started when I was 3
nice!! anyway I'm back. sorry it took so long
it's fine
so wyd rn. playin?
play what
I wasn't sure if u were playin VB now or about to or somethin lol
lol. so um. where u from?
sc you
Missouri. I have family that Lin in NC
ya. so. um what you wanna talk about?😁
idc you
well. um. let's see I'm a fighter!!😬
are u ok?
cool and yes I'm fine
wait does that mean your strong😏
um ya. not super but I'm pretty strong😄
Lolz. ya. I've been boxing for 10 almost 11 years, wrestling for 4, and MMA for 2. also I'm a laborer so ya I got some miles😂
I gtg. bye
ok. bye
so is it official?
yea ig
cool. I'm happy.
becuz it official. it's good news😁 right?
so. wyd?
nothing. you?
just playin a game
so what did you do today
nothing. you?
are Mexican food. played games. took my dog to the vet
yup. so wat u wanna talk about
ok. 😅 I'm not sure either