123, 99, To The End? Illuminati confirmed!!!


123, 99, To The End? Illuminati confirmed!!!

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just read the comment...
Sorry, the comment wasn't loading when I first saw it. Also, where did you get this information from? I've been to websites where the people lie about animal cruelty just to manipulate people, so please don't be mad at me for being a skeptic (after all, there ARE laws in place to prevent animal cruelty, which is punishable by law). I care about animals, but I hate people comparing animals to people. It's like saying your child matters as much as a rabbit. We EAT rabbits, it's not the same thing! I know everything can have feelings and horrible things are horrible, but I have trouble believing there aren't some parts of animal cruelty that aren't exaggerated through liability.
There are probably some things about anything you can look up that are exaggerated by liability.
I got the information from Scholastic.com. besides, I have a plan for the future. I'll probably spy on that place from the inside, or write a whole book from the whale's POV. I've seen enough of this. and so many people are stating to hate SeaWorld, as well as the Californian government, I don't think it'll last for much longer.
As long as it stops, and someone does something I'm fine. Just be careful about how you go about this. When people have differing opinions/ideals bad things happen.
I've noticed this. I'm kinda of a fighter, and my opinions are different from especially my family. if there's something I can do, I have to do it more in a less obvious way. thanks for the advice.