t a p


explicitly captivating will be updated soon



t a p 5/20/20-12:41am explicitly captivating will be updated soon —reiko

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ooh can’t wait for the update of the story
got anything planned for your bday? :D
ooo I’ll check out yo ur book :D
welpppppp u can brag to me ur bday gifts 😌😌😌
i did the challenge cornerrrr just now towards my dad!! he was sent to hospital two days ago and it was such a *insert bad word here* day
my mum was a mess and it was my sister’s birthday plus she had a take home exam from uni to complete, but its all good now and i showed him some love not long ago!! thank you for the challenge💕
nahhh dude on bdays, everyone has bragging rights hehhehe
Oh okay yay three days it izzzz💕👌🏻
First _Whoami_ is up come check it out!!
so excited for your storyyyyyy
np! 💕
brag all u want to me when it’s ur bday plus I’m rlly curious😌😌
yep np