We're doing a Q & A!!!!!! Questions anyone?


We're doing a Q & A!!!!!! Questions anyone?

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What's it like on set?
Oh and which state are you located in?
are any of you bilingual?
what's the funniest reaction you've gotten from a fan?
fav color?
favorite chocolate๐Ÿ˜
what's it like to be famous almost instantly
What do you love most about your fans ๐Ÿ˜‹?
whoops sorry sent it twice
oh okay I'll find it and tell you
okay just to know,are we going to tell the followers,they think it's real...
yeah,I'm just thinking about the drama,let it just be a fan page for us. ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜
do u still record girl meets world and if so where? p.s luv u
I'm such a huge fan of "Girl meets world" it's an awesome show.. P.S LOVE Adventures in babysitting it is so awesome and it is now my favorite movie