Rip Grandma our family loves you so much. We are sorry we didn't get to say goodbye but at least we hope you know we loved and that will never change. You always be in our hearts and we hoped you knew that. Love your grandson Andre and the rest of the fam


Rip Grandma our family loves you so much. We are sorry we didn't get to say goodbye but at least we hope you know we loved and that will never change. You always be in our hearts and we hoped you knew that. Love your grandson Andre and the rest of the fam

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Omg Andre I am so sorry for your loss 😭 your going to get through it because you have people who support you and will let you lean on their shoulder when you need to
I am so sorry for your loss, but i know that you will get through this, i sit next to you in school so if you need a shoulder to cry on i am here😣❤️👍😮