sO EdgY
I’ve been so inactive on here lately, I apologize
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner
my school was selling carnations and they’re gonna be delivered on Wednesday and I keep making up scenarios in my head where I get one


sO EdgY I’ve been so inactive on here lately, I apologize Valentine’s Day is right around the corner my school was selling carnations and they’re gonna be delivered on Wednesday and I keep making up scenarios in my head where I get one lol

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honestly same except with roses and like a whole basket of stuff because that’s what they’re selling😅💓
they stopped giving out roses at my school and they're giving out sodas instead. i love sodas but honestly smh
but then again sodas are freaking amazing and are better than flowers by 100% but still 😂
that sounds fun, considering that my school gave out free fidget spinners
@caption//haha u didn’t get one u loser