


21 0
blue is the best color, don't you agree?
Hey!! ^^ My name is Alazel! :3 and i'm a dragon X3
you are following 666 people 😂😈
honestly (biside you following 666 people) I think you are so friggen cute and pure! have a cookie! (throws a cookie at you and eats one with you )
agree with that, and hi I am a shark, which is better then a dragon btw
nah shark bro! dragons are way cooler they can fly n'stuff !!
but... sharks can be in water longer then dragons
I just remembered that I have a friend which is a dragon my bad
hmn..but can sharks fly and breathe fire? *i tilt my head sticking my tongue out at you*
uhhh fire flying shark?
they don't exist!? do they?
in my imagination *rainbow* (can't find a rainbow emoji)
your welcome your super nice too!