this song is a masterpiece and i feel weird about posting this because i don't feel like i've done it justice. i spent like, and hour reading about the meaning behind the song because there's really a story behind every line. a


DON MCLEAN || AMERICAN PIE this song is a masterpiece and i feel weird about posting this because i don't feel like i've done it justice. i spent like, and hour reading about the meaning behind the song because there's really a story behind every line. a

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(caption cont.) this song is a masterpiece and i feel weird about posting this because i don't feel like i've done it justice. i spent like, and hour reading about the meaning behind the song because there's really a story behind every line. and it's also a great tribute to the musicians who died on what's know as "the day the music died".
beautiful! i love that songg
i need to listen to this song ig ;£ the collage compliments everything i really like this style
bravo ❤️
this is one of my favorite songs
what dat is your birthday again? isn’t it the 15th?
elisza please don’t beat yourself up over this. what you said wasn’t harsh at all. you were admitting your feelings to me and how you felt and I respect that and I thank you for being honest with me. I understand and respect your decision of not forgiving me yet, what I did really hit hard for a lot of people. I hope we can just be on good terms. i want to apologize because I probably made your birthday miserable. if there is any way for me to make it up, please let me know. you deserve the very best. 💖