If you're on let's chat


If you're on let's chat

1 3
did u break up with Christian
no were dating
and I don't like the way I was post to come over and you wait to the last minute to tell me
why are you being like that
your mom never texted my mom
so it's not my fault
I'm not saying that
well you kind of did your being mean and you made me cry
I never said you weren't my friend so don't post things about me I said I don't know if denijah is my friend or not
I never said you weren't my friend
please delete what you posted about me because that's cyber bullying
no we just don't like you attitude and I don't know how to delete
I deleted and I'm telling your mom that your saying that Emma and everyone else is your best friend
I didn't say that
read between the lines I said
*emma is my best friend.I wish denijah was but I don't think she likes me*
and I'm crying cause of you
so your still saying I'm not
so you made me cry to and that's called cyber bullying
and any way that is why I was with Anna at Friday fun day cause you was with your friends
I never said anything about you you just assumed I did and so you go to post something bad about me
no I just don't like the way you try to be ever body mamma and your attitude
ok so I'm going to the office and talk to Mrs.hincen if this don't stop now
I didn't do anything
I wasn't trying to be anyone's mom I didn't have an attitude
ok so this is over right and this real never happen again know matter what and don't bring it up In school
wow u guys have TWELVIE PROBLEMS