Meet my baby brother Jett πŸ’™


Meet my baby brother Jett πŸ’™

113 3
awwwe! cutest little thing!!πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸΌ
awwwww!! I want him!
that's such a cute name😍
he's so cute!!!! I love the name too!!
He is so cute πŸ˜€
he is so cute I love you kalani can you please follow me
omg awwww he is so cute ily and him
omg that baby is adorable ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️
and would you plz follow me if watched every episode of dance moms and you Mack and Kendal are my favorites❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️😘😘
I really want you to do a favor for me 😌 It would mean a lot if you did it πŸƒ There's a contest kinda thing I guess on my page πŸ‘‘ Who knows me the best? πŸ’πŸ½ And if you could at least like it that would be awesome πŸ’– And you can try to enter if you'd like 🍭 Check out my page to get more information πŸ’Ž And a follow would be cool too 😎 Thanks for reading πŸ‘» Sorry if I sound desperate πŸ’©