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seriously. this is the 4th collage that you stole from me >:(
Why are you even doing this?
seriously tho. can u delete this?
it literally says it
lol you two are freaking out over her collage. Isn't she perf at making edits??!!! 😱😱✨😂
TBH, it's like you want dancemomforlife to steal your collage... bleh.
how am I funny?
^because you're telling her not to take your stuff. She's gonna do it anyway😹😹😏😭
F****!!! NO!
Why are you stealing so many of my collages? They're not even that good! :|
delete this collage!!!
my battery is dieing
I DARE you to post one of my posts my friends will notice, do it
why are you scared??
u scared??
why do you want to co own
there is no point...
just stop stealing from me.
good night friends
I can't believe ur scared to post MY posts
good night!
thank god ur going to bed
lol Ikr!
oh. your collages are still 100% amazing!!!
no their not! she copy's!
Thanks! That means that this collage is 100% amazing so... thx for the compliment! lol
lol yea Pastel!
^no it's not
yes it is
tell me how you know it's not
he/she told me that it was FAITHFOREVERXOXOXO or something like that
that's not it
he's lying. I know him irl
I'm not kidding
he told me that he sucks at making collages so he's just going to make an account to steal and take credit
he's like a grown man. I bet your the real account!
im not the real account
yeah. like its a grown man in "your school" out of the millions of other people on here…
I only have 1 email
why would I do this
he's not a grown man he's 16
he just looks that way
idk why would ANYONE do this. there are sites that give you free emails. so it's not like you could prove that you only have one email!!!
why would I lie to thousands of people
idk why do people bully??
I'm not the real account I would be on it right now if I was the real account
not necessarily
ecxept he's 12
but that's it
who's Ashlyn??
Micah even said at school
that's me
gnnnn I have to goooo
she's Ashlyn and she goes to my school
why are we even having this convo I'm not the real account
so sassy mermaid goes to school with jjinlife… how can I believe you guys???
hey I said I dare u to post one of my posts and he said no and I said are u scared XD and they said no shut up loser
would jjinlife lie to her 24k fans?
if you know who's running this account spread that all over PicCollage, tell the police on them for plagiarism
I'm not going to call the police bc PicCollage can handle it. but I will do he rest
I hate people like this they are disgusting
make your own collages
stop stealing collages honestly... I know you have talent in you so use your talent and make a collage ON YOUR OWN, don't try to be someone else
@sassy-mermaid you think PicCollage is gonna handle it?!?! well they haven't yet so…
^^ and its plagiarism. plagiarism is ILLEGAL!!
why do you do this? it's not nice to steal.
if we get it all over PicCollage they will handle it @PerfectParadise
stop😂😂😂 you arent good at this so theres no point you are just humiliating yoursef
if only there was thumbs down button👎🏽😂😂
if only there was a thumbs down button👎🏽
ughhhhh so tired of this shįt😫
idk how to explain it to you but @yellosno claims he had this account during science yesterday when ppl where talking about it, i don't actually believe him and the picture isn't a real selfie of him btw
and Ashlyn does go to my school lololololol
I'm not a boy tho^
@yellosno is a lier
okay idc what you think DUMBOI
stop stealing peoples edits. how old are you seriously?
@sassy-mermaid well they haven't handled it yet!!
I'm just laughing at how much power you think you have😂😂😂