Hey, guys! I know I haven't posted much lately so here are some quotes that I relate to a hundred percent. There was a "friend" that I had in school and she is here on PC. I will not name names so that she doesn't lose followers or anything. But she knows


Hey, guys! I know I haven't posted much lately so here are some quotes that I relate to a hundred percent. There was a "friend" that I had in school and she is here on PC. I will not name names so that she doesn't lose followers or anything. But she knows

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who she is. In one of her collages, she said "if a friend walks away from you, don't follow them. Most of the time they are not worth it." She was the one who always walked away from me when she was mad about something. She would just leave me sitting there not knowing what I did. I would eventually complain of a stomach ache and go home because I didn't want to face anyone while I was crying. She did this to me at least three times and I STILL gave her more chances. I know this is a lot, so I am going to say bye soon. I just want to tell you guys how I feel because I know you will understand how I feel even if you don't know firsthand with experience. Okay, guys. Thx for reading. Oh! Btw, my 500th follower will get a shoutout! Okay, bye guys!
sorry, it didn't finish in the caption😊
I had a friend like that too. she used to be my best friend but then she left all of my friends to be"popular"
oh wow.