c l i c k

When you think about it, most things they did went, not always wrong, but they either nearly got killed or caught. Especially in the deathly hallows!

- Hope you're all having a good day/night😊


c l i c k When you think about it, most things they did went, not always wrong, but they either nearly got killed or caught. Especially in the deathly hallows! - Hope you're all having a good day/night😊

104 1
I miss Tonks😭😭
yeah😂I watched Deathly Hallows Pt 2 last night💖And I fell asleep at the end and I got really mad with myself bc I never saw the movie and I read the book and I just really wanted to see how they did the end in the movie but I fell asleep...
Yeah😂I hate it how I can't say characters names when I'm talking to my friends who either haven't read all the books or movies or haven't seen/read them at all
I was watching it last night! Even if you own the movies you never pass up the opportunity to watch it on tv😂😂
AHHH I LOVE YOUR BIO (website) btw how do you get the spaces in it
I LovE your HP edits sm❤️❤️