help i've had this song stuck in my head the whole dayy😭 anywayss i'm super tired today, i've been studying extra hard for uni midterms ughhh😩 qotd: do you have any pets? aotd: yeaah, a dog and a turtle🐕🐢


tappp🐌 help i've had this song stuck in my head the whole dayy😭 anywayss i'm super tired today, i've been studying extra hard for uni midterms ughhh😩 qotd: do you have any pets? aotd: yeaah, a dog and a turtle🐕🐢

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help, im sorry but what song is this? also Lily take care and pls take some rest! UNI MIDTERMSS whoa good luck! btw this is beautiful 😻
aotd: ahah i had a hamster once but yk the dęath story of it is pretty off like when i think about it, it is really funny lol
@caption nooooo I really want a dog I used to have hamsters but my dad is really scared of dogs 😣
this is soo pretty omg !! + gl on midterms!! <3
Amazing collage
ahhhhhh this is soooo BEAUTIFUL
omgg goodluck 😭 aotd: Birds and fish 😋💕💕
THIS IS GORGEOUS your text is so cool can you teach me??
how u do these is like… 100x my skill like omg!? teach me ur ways 😭
Aahh this is amazing 😍
Good luck on your midterms!! Aotd: we've got 2 bunnies :)
hehe thx lily <3
Ahhhh is wish I had one
thank you for the spam!
your collages are gorgeous!!!💗
a: i have a dog! but what's it like having a turtle? it sounds like so much fun!!!
thanks u !
omg this is gorgeous!!! what’s your turtles name??
that's crazy!!! did the vite hurt?!
aww thank you!!😊
I loveee this!!!😍
tysmmm so is this💕
tysm! and yeah it’s such a cute song 🥺
if u don’t mind me asking… how old r u?
i’m not meaning to be rude so if i am i really apologise
thanks so much!
I don’t have any pets!☹️but I wish a had a dog! having a turtle must be so cool
this is gorgeous btw!
WOAH 😩 THIS IS ABSOLUTELY STUNNING (good luck for ur midterms (ง'̀-'́)ง) aotd: I don’t have pets, not allowed to unfortunately (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
so sorry for remixing here, my remixes are being really weird and I can’t seem to remix on ur recent post
and I apologise for the pc watermark, I don’t have the vip so the watermark will unfortunately be there