Hey...I guess I'm back. :)


☠💉CLICK💉🔪 Hey...I guess I'm back. :)

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HOORAY!!! *\(^o^)/*
Welcome back!
Dear RandomFandomFangirl, Will you give me permission to use you in a Fanfiction. I'm a large fan of yours and I would like to use my favorite Pic Collagers to do it. I would like your knowledge of it first. -YandereFangirl
PIC COLLAGE FANFICTION RandomNerd walked the dark halls. They were dark and gloomy. Blood dripped slowly. There was a light at the end of the hall. It was an alarming shade of red, then yellow. It went from white to yellow to red I. a pattern. Each patter followed by a shriek. RandomNerd walked faster. Footsteps started behind her. She walked even faster, yet the footsteps matched her pace. She turned around "Who's there?!" She asked as a dark figure arose from the darkness. "It's only me." RandomFandomFangirl said. "Don't you trust me? I'm your friend." RandomNerd stepped back. "What's at the end of the hall?" She questioned. "Nothing of your interest." RandomFandomFangirl replied. "How would you know?" RandomNerd took another step back. "Can I see it?" "No. It's not your turn." RandomFandomFangirl smiled. "It will be shortly though." RandomNerd turn back around. "Sorry Fangirl. I'm going to have to investigate." RandomFandomFangirl tilted her head down so her eyes were covered. "Fine. Do so. You'll ruin the surprise." RandomNerd ran to the light. Another shriek. White, yellow, red. She was there. There was a single figure in the room. Who was it. Was she a close friend or what? The lights faded to let a face appear. Peridork...