Ariana grande 😘 sorry long time wait!


Ariana grande 😘 sorry long time wait!

48 0
hello. I am not sure that you know me but I have a question about picCollage I hope you have an answer and that you can answer it .! well I've tried porting some collages but it won't let me and I kept on retrying and it still won't let me ! what could I do to fix that problem ? I also tried on my iPad and it still won't work so it's either my account or something hope u could help.
hello! thanks for asking me that question, but sadly I do not have an answer. although, here's some advice : go to the pic collage faq! if that helps, great! and thanks anyway! ;) 😘
thanks for replying! Kay and thanks for the advice I will definitely go check that to see if it works thanks so much for replying and thanks for those likes!!😊
no problem! also, thank YOU for all those likes! I appreciated it a lot ☺️
πŸ˜„ and your welcome! that's good I really like your collages they're the bestπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
love yours just the same ;)