Simple but still slayin💖


Simple but still slayin💖

113 3
come on I just made an EVA post?!
and what edit was that cuz I didn't see it!
I made a pre post
you might know if you actually read my posts?
as I'm going to school I made a lot of youtuber edits
that I'm gonna post about once a week for when I'm busy
and I don't have time to make collages because of h.w and studying! and I'm traveling to my country soon just putting that out there😂
ok but I didn't see that edit so that doesn't mean I "copied you" or anything
I didn't say that I was jelous cuz yours turned out better then mine?😓
I didn't say you were jealous
oh no that's not what I said, I said
omg I love Eva! I downloaded that song too.