What even is this. And there's an Irish girl ayy


What even is this. And there's an Irish girl ayy

3 0
update: she's Scottish
k firstly nah I just hate poetry. secondly, HL jr cert past papers are how I study... 1st year was far too easy
I just do. I don't appreciate being talked down to like this, I feel underestimated
nah it's fine. I've just been hit with the "I'm in second year fear it I'm ahead of you woOoOoOo" before and it can kind of get a little frustrating 😅 it's alright though, sorry for snapping about it
nah dude it's fine and that sucks lol. and well... if you should be in 1st, I should be in sixth class haha... I'm not gonna be 13 until August, but I kinda feel like I'm older because all my friends that I've literally ever had are at least six months older than me. at least.