💕✨❄️my school dance is on Saturday ✨any tips guys?👌I'm so excited!❤️


💕✨❄️my school dance is on Saturday ✨any tips guys?👌I'm so excited!❤️

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My tip is don't try to act like something your not. Be yourself and everything is sure to go amazing!😘😘😘
yeah be your self
dont try to do the "necessary dance things"! u just gotta be u, otherwise it's torture. TRUST ME!!! have fun gurl!😘😜
This is so beautiful! And just be yourself and you'll have a great time! 😘☺️ xoxo
be yourself we had a dance and are having one in April and it was just music playing for 2 hours and us hanging out with our friends and taking pictures yours might be different though