This is my call out for help


This is my call out for help

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so true😭
Nothing but the truth. Are you okay?
are you okay?
are you alright?
oh my gosh is she ok
*sending swiftie support* Stay strong! Not because of god, cuz you might be atheist, but because of us! And all the people that love you! You might think nobody does, but there's always somebody by your side! Even though he/she is not physically there, does not mean he/she is not there at all.
are u O.K???
Just pray to God and ask him for help with whatever you're going through
hey thanks for following me. if u need any help I went through all of this and I'm here for u. I know what it's like and it's not fun you just feel like no one cares but they do trust me
are you ok? if not, make sure you talk to someone
please if you are suicidal or even just depressed you need to talk to someone.