I commented what was wrong on the post about nachos...


I commented what was wrong on the post about nachos...

205 11
I saw it. listen please talk to your parents and try to get professional help, ok? ily !!
I saw. please just talk to someone. whether it be a therapist or your parents, just talk to someone
i saw it. please, love, just tell someone, letting it out will help. friends, family, a therapist... they'll help you realize how beautiful you are, inside and out
aw thanks
sometimes I worry I am and I think the most important thing is for you to talk to someone okay? I'm praying for you stay strong girlie💕
to the post
You should never feel like you're a mistake or that you don't matter. Just think about all of the people that care about you. Your family, your friends, your followers-they all care. And you should never think that you're not important. Everyone has a purpose in life, something they're meant to do to make the world a better place. Maybe you just haven't discovered your purpose yet. But someday you will. Someday, you'll do something great, something to change the world. I just know it. So when the world knocks you down, you gotta get back up and keep fighting. For those you love, and for all the people that believe in you. And by the way, I believe in you too. Never give up.
geez that was longer than I thought it would be sorry😅
I saw. I DON'T understand, and I'm not going to pretend I do, but TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF. You are beautiful and you deserve to live. Anorexia is like suicide. Sooner or later it WILL kill you. So many people care about you, and I would actually cry if you died because of this. We all have to die, but I want you to live a rich, full life, because you deserve it. Never forget how many people love you and care about you.