Just arrived @bookendsnj in Ridgewood, NJ! We're about 2 have a great time hangin out & singning books! Come meet me!


Just arrived @bookendsnj in Ridgewood, NJ! We're about 2 have a great time hangin out & singning books! Come meet me!

18 0
hi matt!!😍
hi Sierra! how are you ?😜
good!! bye Matt love you!
bye Sierra ! love you too !😚
πŸ˜šπŸ˜šπŸ’–πŸ’–wait a lot of people say we should date but I don't really think so! maybe when I'm older
what are you talking about ? you mean a lot of people say we should go out together ? you want to go out with me ?
I don't know Matt!❀️
but I still love you!!!a❀️😚
do you want to date me??
I'm really sorry Sierra but I do not want to spoil our friendship for now please do . sorry
Sierra ?