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just stop legit just stop. putting someone down is just a stupid reason to make yourself feel like you're on top
and if you're gong to mess with anybody mess with me. Not. My. Friends.
back off
stop following me NOW
^ an attention seeking whøre
*cough* **you *cough*
if anyone is stupid, it's you.
blocking you, reporting all of your collages, and I'm not gonna regret it. if you hate theemochild, no need to announce it. I would like it if you'd unfollow me, but if you like my content, whatever. stop showing your hate for people, it's really mean and it just causes more drama and more hate. but also, guys who are hating against this person, they are quite mean, but the hate account owner is a person too. it's not very nice to insult them back, even if they're insulting you. it's only going to cause more drama and more hate.
Do you know people suicide because of cyber bullying? Do you want to be a murderer? So please, come to realize what you did was wrong, stop hating theemochild and just unfollow me
youre more stupid clearly... wasting a good app. made it really bad actually. 😴
what do u have against them?
go die in a hole u worthless being