My little cousins are actually kind cool for 7 year olds. They watch SU and TMNT and get a little of my Marvel references (ok they don't really get them but hey I can try)


My little cousins are actually kind cool for 7 year olds. They watch SU and TMNT and get a little of my Marvel references (ok they don't really get them but hey I can try)

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I finally got my brother to start wàtching SU and now he's obsessed with it
lol no way! that's awesome
Now I finally have someone to talk to about it
I knew he already like GF so I introduced him to SU. He didn't like it at first, but after he saw a few episodes he just went aND BINGE WATCHED THE ENTIRE FIRST TWO SEASONS IN TWO DAYS WITHOUT ME. So then we binge watched seasons 3 and 4 together. Now he watches it like everyday.
lol you guys'll have so much fun