New Theme


New Theme

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The collage was dedicated to you!
No problem! Which song from his album is ur fav?
oml same! they're both so good. castle on the hill is really good and it's the type of song u learn the words to right a way and log forever. Eraser is amazing too cause like its unique and his accent is adorable😆
I was looking at his events and he is gonna have a concert in the summer where I live ( AHHHHHHH😱💕) but my mom doesn't even know I listen to Ed Sheeran and she thinks music is bad and stuff which is crazy and would never let me go to a concert
so I guess I'll be there spiritually and see if anyone took a vid of it😂😭
YES OMG THATS WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY! It's like he really isn't rapping he can just speak with a flow. And I saw a comment on the lyric video that if he launched a album singing about his grocery list they would buy it. I was like sameeeee😂
I'm gonna go eat breakfast. ttyl💕
perfect theme divider!!!
Can't wait for your new theme💕