Who thinks I'm good looking or cute and I'm single!


Who thinks I'm good looking or cute and I'm single!

27 146
no I don't have a gf and I'm not hot
I'm Alex I'm almost 16 I live in Ohio u
oh I didn't even know how many I had lol and Thx
thank u nikia
πŸ˜ƒ I need 100 followers for releasing my bio
I messaged u
I doπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•
Thx whose this
my name is aunika do u got a gf
not yet but remix me and show me what u look like
how old r u
there r 2 people on this account this is me πŸ‘†πŸ»
ur the better looking one remix me on one of my posts
that doesn't have many posts
ok so wanna go out
talk to people
talk to who?
all I want to talk to is u😘😘
r u still on??
yea sorry
it's okπŸ’•
Alex r u still online?
yea just texted u
hi gamey or what's ur name
I remember u I just forget ur name I'm sorry 😭😒
wanna be pc lovers?!
umm idk I have a line of girls wanting to date me
remix me first
wat doe you mean?
beside comment it says remix and we can talk
luv uxxxxxxx
well I didn't so ??
I mean I did