#ButeraTutorialshelpedme //inspired by:Pastelbee// I love this ❤️ Eva is bae💖🚿//Rebecca🌸💦💫


#ButeraTutorialshelpedme //inspired by:Pastelbee// I love this ❤️ Eva is bae💖🚿//Rebecca🌸💦💫

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hey girly :) I made an acc (which will hopefully turn out to be a joint acc with about 5-10 maybe less maybe more collagers😂✨) And I wondered if you would be interested? if you are just respond to one of my collages and I'll send you the details through weheartit
oh and the username is slayinq_xx btw lol
yeah I'll be interested to join ☺️🙈👌🏼
cool ok I'll send you the details :) and if you have any questions just ask👍✨
ok thank you 💧🙈
the font is Helvetica bold oblique