Don't let people get you down like that. People are just rude and whoever this person is I bet they are just trying to get attention. And by the way, thank you for saying I'm amazing. You are also an amazing person and you are one of the most amazing frie


Don't let people get you down like that. People are just rude and whoever this person is I bet they are just trying to get attention. And by the way, thank you for saying I'm amazing. You are also an amazing person and you are one of the most amazing frie

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yes I'm okay! 😊 it's just some one was bullying you(you may not have noticed) and another friend of mine and I wanted them to stop!
oh really? well idc if someone was saying things about me...they are probably just jealous.
yea I say they are! they also just spamed tons of peeps,and was kinda creepy 😳