Omg someone said the weirdest thing to me ever πŸ’―


Omg someone said the weirdest thing to me ever πŸ’―

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what what
I comment
a boy takes my milk and today he said he really really really likes my milk I was like no but ur cute tho
in my school the boys that think there cute just says suck my d**** it's nasty
sounds accurate
lol yea same but guys hear r way more like they want to duck u even if they don't know u
Ikr same with my school
yea that's boys then my guy friends say why I'm bi
girls are a little better
our school is confusing we don't label anyone but only the preppy guys only want booty everyone else wants a relationship
break the stereotypes
in my school some boys want the butt some want the bΓ³Γ³b and some want the personality
like 4 guys in my school like me
they try too impress me
my friend was on the edge of crying bc his gf grabbed a guys butt
my point there was we get emotional too. but yea we do that bc we want to impress u
dΓ’mΓ± my ex girlfriend use too grabs girls butts when me and her dated but she never mean it like that she would always kiss me when I got jealous
aww that's sad
lol but went guys try to impress girls it's cute some go too far tho
yes omg yes
well this seems like a girl convo
it's happening too me
it scares me
but one of the guys that like me I hugged him and he kissed my head but I don't like him like that
aww I love when guys do that and it's fine cam u already know what we're talking bout so yea might as well stay
it means he cares about u
when he kisses u on the forehead
yup and I already have my feelings for someone😜even tho she's like two years older then meπŸ˜‚
but my ex girlfriend dated a 10th grader and she's in 8th grade
kind of into someone but I have no chance
oh it's fine I'm a 8th and I dated a 11th grader
yea my friend John kisses my forehead all the time and he. tells me stuff and I'm like I know u tell me everyday
ok so far 5 guys like me and three girls like me
yea but thank god it's over
idk how that happens last year 10 girls like me I was like I'm I that cute
college....thats all I have to say
oh well u r pretty so can't blame them
lol how skills
I can't believe myself
I use too dress like a guy in 6 grade then 7&8 I become sexy then everyone liked me
that's my age . that's skills. juniors frown upon dating anyone under sophomores mostly bc of graduation
idk I changed next thing uk ppl liked me
true and lol I can imagine u as a comedian πŸ˜‚
it's like 11 in Maryland
hey what's ur name
I want to be a comedian!!
u should u be sooo funnyπŸ’―
oh it's 10:24 here Minnesota
it's 11:06 here in South Carolina
yea ,I'm nice but when I'm mad wow u like gotta run
yea wyd
layin in bed talking to u cuz my girlfriend is off I guess
if u were mad I would laugh
I would let u hit me
lol same
I'm lost now:|πŸ˜‚
I'm bored and I can't stop thinking about my crushπŸ€—
lol cam
lol I think u should go for it
tomorrow cuz she's sleeping nowπŸ€—
I'm 14 & she's 16
well goodnight everyone love u guys❣
yea hope she says yes
go for what
I like my friend she's 16
and I'm 14 and I fell in love with her
so I was laying in bed and my brother is asleep but sleep talking and said something really bad!!!!! πŸ˜‚
omg my bro does that too lol
omg that scares me
lol my sis does that
he said (yo Γ±Δ«ggΓ’h get the hΔ™ll out , the fΓΉΔ‡k)!!!!! πŸ˜‚
I wonder if I sleep tlk🀐😳
I know I take all the covers
nobody can guess my favorite color it's sad
a boy texted me and said he wants to fΓΌΔ‡k me
he's hot but i already made that mistake like 20 times he's hot tho πŸ’―
gross he better take u to dinner first
not about the looks
true but I don't really like dinner
yea me either I starve my self
I don't really eat actually
go to church
what ⁉️
yea I have problems like I cut and I don't eat and once I tried to hang my self and while I was at school I tried to hold my breath until I couldn't breathe
go to churchπŸ˜‚
same and I go to church Tuesday Saturday and sometimes Sunday
I do on Wednesday
don't cut omg do u get how awful THT is . and I have made 3 girls eat u can be the 4rth hanging is painful u just aren't living life
I try
and wow 4 girls i starved myself all summer
u have to want it more "I try" isn't enough try harder
ok gosh calm
I can't live life when my parents don't trust me cuz they caught me sexting wit a boy and now I can't do nothing so I try to kill my self......I don't even have a phone!
wait then how u on rn
I would sit with them at lunch and feed them like a baby until they ate and then I wouldn't eat unless they did I would buy them lunch I tried so many ways one girl came to me this year and thanked me
aww that's good but won't happen as much for me
don't sext . ever. u don't need to prove to a guy that u have a body ok and if he really wants u he can wait
I'm on school iPad
oh and true listen to cam he's smart
yea sure but I can't stop
oh well it's u none can change who u r
except u . u can!
yea but I still sneak out of my window like rn I'm not at home anymore I literally just left
I stopped
lol I do that all the time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’―
y r u ok with that???
go home.
srry and yea go home u don't know what could happen there is creeps out there
no I'm in the woods
hahaπŸ˜‚omg sty go home there's still creeps !!!
it's not cool go home
I am a creep
well keep all the others safe by going home!
still who know If u get kidnapped or something duh !!!
I would love to get kidnapped
ok fr plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz go home what if u got raped
I was kidnapped it's not that fun
same and raped
I'm in a tree it's not like anyone's gonna climb up with me I'm smoking and loving it
ok u have to go home please
let me finish my cigarette
wish I had one or a pack
if I smoked I would dieπŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ»way to make me feel like poo well your life choice u can deal with the punishment
y do u smoke?
gets my mind off stuff and thank god ur going home
it's so fΓΊckin dark out here
u smoke ?
that's what Jesus does
well duh it's night
and I smoke a lil
r u cold
I smoke weed and cigarettes
did not know
weed a lil not really anymore but I mostly smoke hukas
yea it's fΓΊckin freezin and have on ripped jeans and a black holey ripped shirt
I like da hokas
if I smoke I would go into a coma same with alchohal but it's not needed anyways I am happy without it proud to say I don't use it
lol I'm in bed now just got back
Kk good and don't smoke
well going to bed night
πŸ˜‚oops . jk night
kik night y'all it's 12:32 am here and probably goin back out
Hiii how is ur day 😊
busy , work. you ?
I'm happy
I'm happy your happy
thx r u happy I had the best 2 nights ever and my cousin went skinny dipping ewww
yea y so happy?
idk I just am and good u r
well that's great !πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Šβ€οΈ
yup I've been having a good weekend without people judging me πŸ’―πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Šβ€οΈβ€οΈ
yayyyyy πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
yessss ik feels so good and amazing I can finally breathe πŸ™ƒπŸ˜Šbut I can't talk I lost my voice I drank 2 energy drinks and I got hyper started yelling like a crazy women and boom no voice 😢😢😢😢😢
oh no! I'm so sorry πŸ˜‚well tell me about your weekend
it's fine and well the best weekend in forever that's for sure then I became friends with someone again
oh good
yea hbu πŸ˜ŠπŸ™ƒπŸ¦πŸ¦πŸ¦
um I got my license I worked all day I'm watching the notebook an I'm going to church and hanging with a girl tomorrow
oh yea congrats bout ur license too bad ur working u should have a weekend off good go to church and have fun with the girl
thank you!
no problem 🌹🍦❀️🍦🍻
no beer babe !
ok babe anything for u and it can b pop instead but I don't like pop
hahaha okay
ok but I'm fr I don't like pop or chocolate babe
I believe it baby
lol yea I hate them so much worst thing I ever saw πŸ’―πŸ˜’babe
I just had chocolate
eww no
haha great so I wouldn't have to share
yess plz don't
awesome amazing
haha ok baby girl
aww I like baby girl babe
lol ok ... baby girl
aww 😘
well Wyd
nothing u
watching the note book
my sis always watches that but it's good πŸ’―πŸŒΉ
a girl told me to watch it when I was going through a heartbreak so I did and it helped I love it
yea and aww heartbreaks r rough
yea but it was real
yup I just don't care even tho I'm sad inside but u gotta make it seem like it's fine that's what I do
nope I know that it's over but it doesn't me that 30 yrs from now it won't come back . Bc that's love
yea true
aw no if I cry
I don't like seeing people cry mostly the ones I care bout
haha I think it's hot
how is crying hot
idk πŸ˜‚
ok πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŒΉ
r u dating that guy yet
the one u post about
which one
the one where you tlk about a guy hoe many guys r thereπŸ˜‚
I don't remember ugh now I have to look threw my collages
is it the one that carries me or best friend
Idk I thought u liked him
no there just my friends but there was 1 guy that asked me out on here but I never answered and 1 that called. me and my friend hot
well ??
well what bout the one that asked me
u can't leave him hanging
well I don't even know him
but anyways it's a no to him crushing on 2 others
on here or pc
bye love
who said the weirdest thing