I normally don’t do collages on Phonto, but I was super bored on safari so I made this on my friend’s phone and sent it to myself. What do you guys think of the font combo? She didn’t have any fonts downloaded so I had to use the default ones. 

QOTD in c


I normally don’t do collages on Phonto, but I was super bored on safari so I made this on my friend’s phone and sent it to myself. What do you guys think of the font combo? She didn’t have any fonts downloaded so I had to use the default ones. QOTD in c

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QOTD: Are you a dog person or a cat person? AOTD: I have a dog, and she’s precious, but I also loveeee cats 😅 so I guess I’m both?
AOTD: cat
dogs are cute though
AOTD: dogs, but I do love cats
AOTD: Cat person, but dogs are awesome too!