Hey girl. You're my best friend already and we just started talking😂 I love you girl you're awesome and funny. Never let anyone get under your skin for them being idiots and stupid. You're perfect just the way you are. Love you


Hey girl. You're my best friend already and we just started talking😂 I love you girl you're awesome and funny. Never let anyone get under your skin for them being idiots and stupid. You're perfect just the way you are. Love you

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love you toooooo❤️❤️
love you
can i talk to you..?
hru it's dalton. she is really depressed. so.
omg what's wrong
lots tbh. never seen her like this.
I'm scared now
she wants to get on the 4-wheeler so she can wreck it and I won't let her.
if that tells you anything.
Daniel really likes Brooke too and that really hurt her bc they really had a serious relationship and it ended. and he said he was never gonna move on bc he wanted to be with her but...idk. that really really hurt her. she had a panic attack last night tbh
she's took 7 pain killers already this mornin and binidrill and eye drops.
she's all bent up and can't think right. she's planning on moving away. she's already packed.
omg I'm scared even more now
it's brianna now...
omg hey bri
are you ok babe
I'm sorry
idek what to do...
what's wrong
me and daniel dated for a LONG time and then he dumped me bc his dad said we had to ig. bc he don't like long term relationships? but now he's "talking" too and wanting to date brooke. idek. it confuses me. and he didn't even tell me they was talking. he just made a new account and started talking to her and he didn't follow me or tell me or anything. i was so hurt. and had a panic attack...
she's way better then me so i know they will last once they start dating...
I'm sorry babe. I can say this right now Brooke is one of my best friends and she wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you. I bet you can find a guy better than him
no. he's honestly what i wanted. and i know she wouldn't. she's wonderful tho. they will stay together...
but please don't talk to him bout it..
I'm sorry boo
not only that but im basically dying. and im tryna move out..
don't leave
it's okay ig...
im prob gonna..
im not gonna be here anymore so
uh, bc i have an infection that is taking over my body..
don't leave
prob for the best...
im not needed..
I need u
im not needed in the world in general
yes you are. I love you to death. don't ever say anything like that again. I'm never gonna let anything happen to you
bc you're my best friend and I love you
i love you too but my life is fallin apart right in front of me..
same. I don't want to lose another friend
idk hun..id rather die on my dirt ikr
no no no no no. I'm not letting you die
im pretty good at wrecking things...
don't you dare die. I love you too much to let you do this
it's not just Daniel...if you seen my newest post..you'd kinda understand...
I saw it and I don't want you to die
you seen the long post.?
I don't want u to go
dunno yet. i have to straighten my life up
yeah..im bent up..
girls pressing charges, in trouble, with the police, loosing my best friends, loosing daniel(someone i was rly in love with),my health, my eyes, racing, building motors, work, school, my grades, im bucking people out, getting my phone back, moving out, my mamaw, stop messing everything up for everyone.
**blocking but bucking
i could keep going..,
yeah...life ain't easy for me anymore.
yeah, i don't have anyone anymore
you have me
your like the only person i have..
but I will never let you down
thank you❤️
love you😍💗💕❤️
love you too❤️
I will always love you boo
ill always love you toooo
you're my best friend
and your mineeee❤️
I love you to the moon and back
hey it's dalton. she's been bed bound for a couple days now. she's very very sick from this infection. it made itself to her lungs.
omg she's my best friend is she ok
not sure. she's bed bound rn. and she's asleep which is good. bc when she's awake she runs into things and crys
I'm so scared now
doctors said its probably from all her medicine that she runs into things and the pain from why she crys
yea. it's not rly discovered yet.
she told me she's tired of this world and all this pain.
she got mad at me bc i wouldn't let her wreck the 4-wheeler.
I don't want to lose her
i don't want to either but I've never seen her like this. don't know what's going to happen. I can't leave her alone for two seconds.
and she's grounded.
I'm scared
hey it's me!😂🤘🏼i was in a car accident. and was put in the hospital. im out now. and ive been working. i was being stupid and fell out of a shopping cart. and now my whole back is busied.😂im still on steroids for my infection. and my older sister made me dress up for a play that my brothers were in.
yeahhh😂oh well. so hru?
good hbu
im alright❤️
I miss you
I miss you too. I get ungrounded Friday and go back to the doctor Thursday. I got outta my brace where I broke my arm. and I'm working all the time rn
that's fun😂
😂😂not really. I'm hurting pretty bad.
leg is really bad. it gets really bad when I'm walking for a long time