Oops I'm a day late, oh well😬 //I just finished the BEST gày romance novel EVER and I canNOT chill💦 I'm crying bc I'm so sad I'm at the end😓 Its called "Carry On" and you MUST read it!!!!!💘


Oops I'm a day late, oh well😬 //I just finished the BEST gày romance novel EVER and I canNOT chill💦 I'm crying bc I'm so sad I'm at the end😓 Its called "Carry On" and you MUST read it!!!!!💘

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so many bday collages 😂
Hehe ikr like chill😂💦
thanks, I love all these b-day collages. the only character birthdays I know are my characters. I only remembered Essence: January 3. 😂😂😂 love this.
Heh yeah, I guess January is the month for birthday cake😬💕
hi from this terrified scientist icon!
wait, still my main account