Comments⬇️😨((Spoilers ahead!))


Comments⬇️😨((Spoilers ahead!))

48 0
Omg I'm scared of nagito he's Crazy!!and HE KILLED BYAKUYA!im like wtf?!😱he seems like such a nice guy but I guess I was wrong wow..
He scares me, and I don't like him, but I can't deny that he's a really interesting character
Before the first trial I really liked him tHEN THE TRIAL HIT AND I WAS LIKE "it's time to stop"
EXACTLY but I get why people like him
HE IS DA BEST! I think Nagito has trumped Homura Akemi for my favorite anime character of all time. his views seem twisted in a way, but when you really think about it he is a good guy. I am not finished with DANGANRONPA 2, yet I know his death is coming.
your bio is 👏🏻👌
he only gets better 😈
thank you so much!!