@my emotionally abusive, cheating, piece of trash ex boyfriend (Zxphyr) You were THE BIGGEST mistake I have ever made Caleb Solares. F you, stupid man h0️⃣e.


@my emotionally abusive, cheating, piece of trash ex boyfriend (Zxphyr) You were THE BIGGEST mistake I have ever made Caleb Solares. F you, stupid man h0️⃣e.

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füçken piššlørd don't think your an angle hun. you were the worst in the relationship. (: I'm very glad I got the guts to break up with you. now I'm way better. do us a favor. and go away Parker.
if you could take your nasty höe ašš tf on that would be gr8. Get off my page since you hate me so much 😂 dont be piššy cause i called you out on your bullšhït
"don't think your an angle" lol you right, I'm not. I'm also not dumb, it's ANGEL and you used the wrong you're. Just to let you know lol
You know if you don't care about me this post pretty much shows that you do care about me because you took the time to stalk my old pictures, do this edit about me, your tumblr is filled with "heartbreaks" like you ever had one like??, and you still are on this? Like get over it hun. I'm over you since the first time I left you. I stayed just so you won't be all "suicidal" btw. All I did was cry wen I left to go out. Like bruh. Stop being so clingy you bat 🌚
you're still tryna argue lol, like get off my page since you don't care so much. Either you're really forgetful or just stupid (gonna guess the second one because you said angle not angel), but I already told you I still had those pictures and I was still hurting when I posted this. Grow up my dude 😂
and just to point out for $ hits and giggles lol, you obviously still care enough to be stalking my Tumblr because you arent following it and you apparently care enough to look at my page to see if I responded to you bc ik pc doesn't give a notification when someone comments on stuff. so unless you're gonna stop being a hypocrite, just shut up 😂
AAAAAND lol, you say you don't care a lot when you're argument is literally about something forever ago. let it gooooo homie, frfr 😂 you say I need to let it go, but you're the one who seems to be still stuck on this