Collage by goodbye-


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uh one second there. I cared about you, and I still do. I worried about you for 2 hours after I commented on your collage. I was so worried that you were going to harm yourself or possibly even kill yourself. please don’t do any of those things. I don’t EVER just comment to be nice. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. you are amazing. I DO care about you. and I DO care if you are alive or dead. I would prefer you be alive and well. please take these words into consideration. I care about you so much. please don’t hurt yourself. I love you. ♥️💘 -Audrey 😄
hey. I care. I still care which is why I check this account a lot just to see if you've replied. I understand that we might not seem like the most helpful but we all care about you so so so much whoever you are. please stay strong. I'm here for you xx
I understand. I get it. I know it's tough but youre gonna be okay